Thursday, December 30, 2010

Setelah mimpi dahsyat

"Ustaz kate mimpi di malam hari adalah dari Allah. Tapi tak banyak yang kita ingat setelah bangun. Mimpi setelah subuh adalah dari syaitan, dan akan terngiang-ngiang di otak sepanjang hari. Tapi ada jugak mimpi dari subconscious mind, jangan salah! "

Nak sharing sikit tentang mimpi dahsyat semalam.

1. Mimpi setelah subuh.

Semalam saya mimpi yang super menakutkan, kematian seseorang yang disayangi. MasyaAllah. Mimpi lepas subuh tapi. Nasib baik! Bangun2 tidur mengigil sepanjang hari, rase nak menangis. Sebak sebab rase real sangat. Harini, saya layan orang dalam mimpi tu macam raja, dia tinggal duduk kat kerusi je... makan minum dia semua kene serve. Jadi raja sehari. Buang air je cebok sendiri. =)

2. Mimpi di tengah malam sunyi.

Time form 3 dulu, sepatutnya dah wajib pakai tudung. Tapi time tu degil... Ya Allah. Tersangat sangat. Ade hati nak keluar pakai sleeveless dengan short lagi. Telinga dah la pierce 4 ketol. Pakai baju senteng2, pastu pakai fake-navel-earing. Time tu trend gile! Mak bapak dah berbuih mulut dah nasihat tapi nak buat camane, hati remaja la katekan...

Satu malam, pada tengah2 malam, Saya mimpi super dahsyat. Mimpi yang HIGH DEFINITION nya... sangat jelas dan rase super real. Mimpi tu macam ni, saya di satu taman yang sangat cantik, angin sepoi2... taman tu ramai sangat orang. Crowded macam kat funfair I tell you. Tapi pelik! semua perempuan.

Ada perempuan yang seksi, bukan seksi mana pun.. pakai mini-T ngan jeans ketat je. Pompuan tu cantik sangat. Kulit gebu putih melepak! Memang cantik lah!! Lepas tu kat sebelah kanan saya ada pompuan pakai tu tudung labuh dengan jubah hitam. Pompuan ni dah la kulit dia hitam kusam, jerawat plak tu, tak pakai makeup. Tak menarik langsung nak tengok!

Tibe2, awan gelap berarak, bumi mula bergoyang. Bunyi macam orang tiup dari tanduk binatang kedengaran... kuat sangat! Semua perempuan2 di taman tu panic tak tentu hala. Tibe2 dari jauh ada shadow hitam lalu atas kepala perempuan2 ni. Sorang-sorang jatuh ke bumi Allah dan mati. Tersisa saya seorang dikeliling mayat2 yang bergelimpangan.

Sebab mimpi ni HD atau HIGH DEFINITION. Apa yang saya nampak di mimpi ni macam apa yang kite nampak menggunakan mata kita seharian. Saya pandang kiri saya, saya nampak perempuan yang seksi, cantik dan putih gebu tu... Ya Allah, muke dan badan dia hancur macam telah disiksa bertahun tahun (padahal baru mati sekejap tadi) dan saya pandang kanan saya kat perempuan yang pakai jubah tu... Ya Allah, muka dia yang hitam tu berseri-seri dan dia mati tersenyum. Mayat beliau utuh.

Lepas tu saya tengok balik dekat shadow hitam tadi yang terbang tinggi. Dia datang ke arah saya. Bila shadow tu lalu je atas kepala saya, saya terbangun dari mimpi.


P/s : Tak lama lepas tu slowly saya berusaha menutup aurat.
Walaupun on-off tudung, baju pun kurang sopan lagi.
Tapi saya sedang berusaha.
Kadang2 kalau alpa, mulalah terseksi. Alamak!

Amaran Rasulullah tentang wanita bersanggul tinggi

Rasulullah SAW

“ akan muncul dalam kalangan umatku di akhir zaman, kaum lelaki yang menunggang sambil duduk di atas pelana, lalu mereka turun di depan pintu-pintu masjid. Wanita-wanita mereka( isteri mereka atau anak perempuan), berpakaian tetapi seperti bertelanjang ( nipis&ketat). Di atas kepala mereka pula(wanita) terdapat bonggolan (sanggul atau tocang) seperti bonggol unta yang lemah gemalai. Oleh itu laknatlah mereka semua. Sesungguhnya mereka adalah wanita-wanita yang terlaknat”- hadith riwayat Ahmad, jil.2, ms. 223.

Rasulullah s.a.w bersabda:

“dua golongan penghuni neraka yang mana aku sendiri belum pernah melihat keadaan mereka didunia: golongan yang membawa cemeti seperti seekor lembu lalu menggunakannya untuk memukul manusia dan juga kaum wanita yang berpakaian seperti bertelanjang, menggoyangkan badan dan berlenggang-lenggok, kepala mereka ada suatu seperti bonggol di kepala unta yang bergoyang-goyang. Mereka tentu tidak akan memasuki syurga atau mencium baunya sedangkan bau syurga itu dapat dihidu dari jarak perjalanan begitu dan begini”

P/s : Saya tengok ramai kawan2 yang tidak bertudung, sudah memakai tudung sekarang sebab trend...Alhamdulillah. Tapi hati-hati lah dengan perhiasan. Jangan TER-OVER... sebab Allah menjanjikan seksa yang TER-SANGAT pedih. Dah cukup teruk dah kite ni pakai tudung tak tutup dada dan pakai baju ikut badan. Tak payah la memburukkan keadaan lagi.

Note to self : Shikin cepat la bertobat.Dah tua dah ni cik!


Moga-moga kita selamat dari seksaan akhirat.

Dengan post ini saya berharap, marilah kita selamatkan kawan-kawan kita yang lain.

Monday, December 27, 2010

For the girl who ran away so fast, so far

Yes, she is

For the girl who ran away so fast,

We couldn't catch you,

For the girl who ran away before she could hear what we have to say,

We wanna tell you that we love you,

Love not loved.

For the girl who I call best friend a long time ago,

No matter how much we hate you, you’re still our best friend,

Remember that night when we held each other pinky and said...

Best friend forever, remember?

For the girl who tells stories to satisfy her own emotions,

I dreamt about slapping you so many times,

But when I see you all I wanna do is hug you and ask you “Are you ok? I miss you”

But I can’t, there’s always those distance look that’s in your eyes.

For the girl who ran away so fast,

Slow down, we miss you.

We do.

I do.

- Shikyn -

Friday, December 24, 2010

Does "Forever" makes sense?

Never say forever, because forever isn't real,
Forever is what you think and forever is what you feel,
So if u say forever, please promise that you'll try,
But never say forever, because forever makes me cry.

I don't think I'm that good at telling time.
He said he'd love me forever,
and I thought forever was a lot longer.

:+:+: Love Comes Easy :+:+:

Sometimes it's best to just shut up,
and treasure every moment together,
We don't have to try so hard...
Love comes easy.

You're all I see.

You're the answer to all the questions I kept asking in my head.

I Miss You... all the time.

Everybody's a poet when they're in love.

When I look into your eyes...

I see us together...


You're amazing.

I know we'll be alright.

Because you saved me...

And take good care of me.

With you, I can share everything...

Because I know you'll always be there for me...

To protect me...

From anything...

I know I'm safe when I'm with you.

Source : Google image

P/s : I finally found my missing puzzle piece.

:+:+: Mr. Nice Guy :+:+:

I know I said this to most of my guyfriends,
But this time I really mean it,
"You are the nicest guy I ever met"

p/s : Who says a nice guy can't be super gorgeous and delicious?

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

I'm inlove, are you?

When I love someone,
I love everything about them.
Not just the part that is easy to LOVE.
-Heard this in a movie =)

Life and Money

FIVE principles of life on money according to my DAD
(Copied this quotes on my dad's office wall)

1. NO point using limited life to chase unlimited money.
2. NO point earning so much money You cannot live to spend it.
3. Money is not yours until you spend it.
4. When You are young, You use your health to chase your wealth, when you are old, You use your wealth to buy back your health.
5. How happy a man is, is not how much he has but how little he needs.
- My dad, Mr. Haron

P/S : Thanks abah =)

Bang bang Baby!!

the perfect target.... you!

Sekali awak menduakan saya,
Selamanya tertutup pintu,
Stay away or I'll open fire!!

P/s : I'm sorry, 'JERK' isn't really my type.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

:+:+: It takes Two :+:+:

We're awkward lovers,
It takes two weird people,
To make the perfect couple.
- NurAshikyn-

I love him because he treats me with love and respect,

I won't tell him about my past,
I can't promise him the future,
But I'll give him honesty and loyalty in the present.

Friday, December 3, 2010

:+: Dreams :+:

Warning : A semi-jiwang post.

"You know you're in love when you can't fall asleep because reality is finally better than your dreams," Dr. Seuss. Couldn't have said it better. Dr Seuss is a genius!

This is an example of a "blurry" image of him in my dreams.
(I drew this a long time ago.. comot sungguh*)

This is reality... The real image of Aki tengah tadah hujan =)
He's real and he's here.

"Some people have to close their eyes to dream, with you I only have to open mine." (Biggest stinkiest smile*). My best dream happens when I'm awake.

Btw peeps... "Everyone is someone's dream. I'm sure of it,"

Sometimes we are a big part of someone's life and not even know about it. There's always someone who's thinking about you at least once everyday and there's always 'that' same person who always appear in your mind everyday without them realizing it.
- Nur Ashikyn Haron

:+: Heart :+:

It's true that nothing cures a broken heart.
Time doesn't heal.
People just forgot.
That's why flash back hurts!
- Nur Ashikyn -

image from :

My mother told me,
"Find someone who loves u more than u love him, and u'll be happy,"
So I found myself a fantastic man,
But it's always that one guy who didn't love me enough that I think about everyday...
And I end up miserable anyways.
- NurAshikyn-

:+: Either way, it's gonna rain today :+:

Thursday, December 2, 2010

I am FAT and UGLY but I tell myself everyday that I am BEAUTIFUL

To the one soul, I love so much,

I know I'm FAT and I'm UGLY,
But u don't have to look at me like I'm a hideous blob,
I am not revolting ugly,
I'm just ugly,
I am fat and I am ugly,
I am lazy and I am fussy,
I'm a mess!

Don't u see
The tall wall I build around me to protect my heart,
I am fat,
I eat to feel loved,
You don't have to remind me everyday, how ugly I am,
I know..
Help me gain my self-confident to FACE the world,
Don't help me to gain more weight to SHUN the world,

All my life I just want you to look at me and say,
"You're beautiful dear..."
Because deep inside I know I am...
I'm beautiful,
Inside out.

P/s : I tell myself everyday. I am beautiful...

"Rupa kaknoi adalah ciptaan Allah S.W.T. Tak ade orang yang layak mengkritik,"

- Quote from My lovely sister, Nur Diyana Haron
Thanks Diyana!

"Time sedih-sedih macam ni, kalau lah dapat ajak cik bf naik roller coaster and tengok muke dia menjerit-jerit mesti best! wakaka!"