Friday, May 15, 2009

Ape mak cakap tu betol, pay attention okay!

Mak cakap "Hidup, mati, jodoh dan rezeki adalah ketentuan Allah. Hambanya hanya berikhtiar. Berusaha kearah keredaan Nya. Berdoa semoga terus berjaya. Allah Maha Kaya. Allah Maha Pemurah. Setiap umat Allah ada tentukan bahagian. Terus berusaha. Semoga berjaya. Jangan putus asa. DWBH.(Don't worry be happy)"

Rase cam jatuh tertimpa tangga je harini. Today me and Arina nek beca, then tibe2 kete jazz hitam langgar us from the opposite side. Susah nak cakap salah siapa. Salah our pak beca atau salah kete tu. You guys pun taw la traffic Indonesia ni cmne... Ade la couple of bruises and wounds at my elbow and ankles. Arina 'terselamat'. Thank Allah! I yang nak terjunam keluar beca, depan I ade motor.I think my legs dah cecah jalan dah. It happened so fast... but kite ok je. After tu I memang nak nangis, badan dah nyut nyut saket, syndrome prodomal acute dah shows. I rase color, dolor semua... but tahan je for the sake of Arina, I tak nak die trauma plak tengok I nangis. huhu. Sampai lect hall. I saw my ankle semakin merah. cam laceration, erosion and there's superficial wounds. Saket adeyh...

P/s : Traffic Indonesia mmg terok! Ni dah 2nd time I kene langgar since I got here. Mak nak balik...(Ayat mengade2...hekhek)

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